Company of Heroes Legacy Edition

released in 2006 by Relic Entertainment
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Delivering a visceral WWII gaming experience, Company of Heroes redefines real time strategy gaming by bringing the sacrifice of heroic soldiers, war-ravaged environments, and dynamic battlefields to life. Beginning with the D-Day Invasion of Normandy, players lead squads of Allied soldiers into battle against the German war machine through some of the most pivotal battles of WWII. Through a rich single player campaign, players experience the cinematic intensity and bravery of ordinary soldiers thrust into extraordinary events.

* A Cinematic Single Player Experience that captures the turmoil of WWII as never before.
* Advanced squad AI brings your soldiers to life as they interact with the changing environment, take cover, and execute advanced squad tactics to eliminate all enemy opposition.
* Stunning Visuals - Relic's next generation cutting-edge engine provides graphic quality and a physics driven world that is unprecedented in an RTS.
* Environmental Strategy - Real-time physics and a completely destructible environment guarantee no two battles ever play out in the same way. Destroy anything and re-shape the battlefield! Use buildings and terrain to your advantage, or deny them to the enemy.
* 2-8 Player Multiplayer Competition via LAN or Internet - Go online with friends and join the ultimate battle of Axis versus Allies.

  • Genre: Real-time strategy
  • Platform: Windows

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