libretro Arcade version
Gogetsuji Legends is an arcade game offshoot of the series released after Power Instinct 2. It introduced the 2 character battle system and the first character not related to the to the Gouketsuji bloodline in the series.
This release also drops the previous international series title, Power Instinct, for a shortened version of the Japanese release's title, Gouketsuji Gaiden: The Strongest Legend, though the official English release incorrectly translated/spelled the main name which is 豪血寺 / Gōketsuji / Gouketsuji.
The game's 2v2 battle system was added as Tag Battle in Power Instinct 2's PlayStation version but, unlike current tag battle games, characters cannot be swapped during the fight.
The first selection is the Leader and the second is the Partner, the Partner is used for the first round and if lost they are replaced by the Leader, health is restored for the next round.
The game has a 17 character starting roster, though 2 were previously character transformations and 1 can only be used as a Partner.