- sadxml:
- usexe:
- d3d8to9:
- inputmod:
arch: win32
exe: drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/SADXModManager.exe
prefix: $GAMEDIR
- insert-disc:
message: Mount and select disc 1 of Sonic Adventure DX. When it asks for disc
2,mount disc 2 (*UNTESTED* it should be safe to remove disc 1)
requires: sonic.exe
- task:
arch: win32
name: create_prefix
prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
app: d3dx9
name: winetricks
prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
app: quartz
name: winetricks
prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
executable: $DISC/autorun.exe
name: wineexec
prefix: $GAMEDIR
- extract:
dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/
file: usexe
- execute:
command: rm "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/sonic.exe" &&
mv "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/sonic-U-crack.exe"
"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/sonic.exe"
- extract:
dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/
file: sadxml
- move:
dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/
src: d3d8to9
- task:
arch: win32
key: d3d8
name: set_regedit
path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\DllOverrides
prefix: $GAMEDIR
type: REG_SZ
value: native
- extract:
dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/mods/sadx-input-mod
src: inputmod
- write_file:
content: 'DisableCDCheck=True
file: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/mods/SADXModLoader.ini
mode: w
description: This installer is for the 2-part CD version released in 2004. Installs
Sonic Adventure DX Mod Loader as well.
game_slug: sonic-adventure-dx
gogslug: ''
humblestoreid: ''
installer_slug: sonic-adventure-dx-cd-rom
name: Sonic Adventure DX
notes: "INSTALLATION:\r\n1.) Mount both parts of the disc if possible. If you're using\
\ a physical release instead of ISO files, insert disc 1 first\r\n2.) The installer\
\ will automatically install DirectX 9 and Windows Media Player 9 (requirements\
\ of the game) through winetricks\r\n3.) When the install menu pops up, click on\
\ \"Install Game\", read and agree to the License Agreement, select the installation\
\ you wish to perform (\"Full\" is recommended and the only one I tested), and LEAVE\
\ THE DEFAULT INSTALLATION FOLDER (if it has to be moved, do so after the installation\
\ is finished). \r\n4.) Wait until the install menu asks you to insert disc 2, then:\r\
\n4a.) If you're using mounted ISO files, make sure the 2nd disc is mounted, click\
\ \"browse\", and figure out which drive is disc 2\r\n4b.) (*UNTESTED*) If you're\
\ using physical discs, eject disc 1 and insert disc 2\r\n5.) Wait for the install\
\ to finish, then select \"Exit\" on the menu\r\n6.) Wait for Lutris to finish installing\
\ the Mod Loader, then launch the game\r\n7.) Click on \"Install Loader\"\r\nThe\
\ installation is complete, and you may close out of the menu, find mods, or enjoy\
\ the game!\r\n\r\nKNOWN ISSUES:\r\n* Game seems to crash without the Input Mod\
\ enabled (automatically installs with mod loader, would not recommend disabling)\r\
\n* The Mod Loader seems to not be able to update automatically(maybe? needs more\
\ testing). For now, disabling automatic updating\r\n\r\nRECOMMENDED GRAPHIC SETTINGS:\r\
\nIn the \"Graphics\" tab along the top of the mod menu, there are some graphic\
\ settings that can be tweaked. I recommend setting the resolution to native, other\
\ settings can be left alone or changed to your liking\r\n\r\nMODS:\r\nSonic Adventure\
\ DX, in it's vanilla state, is considered by many to be a poor port of a game.\
\ Luckily, dedicated individuals have worked to improve the game in several ways.\
\ You can find mods at these sites:\r\n*\r\
\nAs well as simply searching for them in your preferred search engine.\r\nMods\
\ can be installed by putting them in your mods folder (Default: \"C:\\Program Files\\\
Sega\\SONICADVENTUREDX\\mods\\\") and checking the box next to their name in the\
\ mod loader.\r\nThe input mod is automatically installed as it seems to crash if\
\ a controller is plugged in without it(?).\r\n\r\nLANTERN ENGINE:\r\nThe Lantern\
\ engine was the lighting system used in the Dreamcast version of the game, but\
\ was removed in all other versions of the game. Luckily, there is a mod to restore\
\ this engine for those who want it. The required \"d3d8to9\" is automatically installed\
\ along-side the mod loader. It's highly recommended to install this if you intend\
\ on installing the Dreamcast restoration mod."
runner: wine
- sadxml:
- usexe:
- d3d8to9:
- inputmod:
arch: win32
exe: drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/SADXModManager.exe
prefix: $GAMEDIR
- insert-disc:
message: Mount and select disc 1 of Sonic Adventure DX. When it asks for disc
2,mount disc 2 (*UNTESTED* it should be safe to remove disc 1)
requires: sonic.exe
- task:
arch: win32
name: create_prefix
prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
app: d3dx9
name: winetricks
prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
app: quartz
name: winetricks
prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
executable: $DISC/autorun.exe
name: wineexec
prefix: $GAMEDIR
- extract:
dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/
file: usexe
- execute:
command: rm "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/sonic.exe"
&& mv "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/sonic-U-crack.exe"
"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/sonic.exe"
- extract:
dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/
file: sadxml
- move:
dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/
src: d3d8to9
- task:
arch: win32
key: d3d8
name: set_regedit
path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\DllOverrides
prefix: $GAMEDIR
type: REG_SZ
value: native
- extract:
dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/mods/sadx-input-mod
src: inputmod
- write_file:
content: 'DisableCDCheck=True
file: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/mods/SADXModLoader.ini
mode: w
slug: sonic-adventure-dx-cd-rom
steamid: 71250
version: CD-ROM
year: 2003
"game_slug": "sonic-adventure-dx",
"version": "CD-ROM",
"description": "This installer is for the 2-part CD version released in 2004. Installs Sonic Adventure DX Mod Loader as well.",
"notes": "INSTALLATION:\r\n1.) Mount both parts of the disc if possible. If you're using a physical release instead of ISO files, insert disc 1 first\r\n2.) The installer will automatically install DirectX 9 and Windows Media Player 9 (requirements of the game) through winetricks\r\n3.) When the install menu pops up, click on \"Install Game\", read and agree to the License Agreement, select the installation you wish to perform (\"Full\" is recommended and the only one I tested), and LEAVE THE DEFAULT INSTALLATION FOLDER (if it has to be moved, do so after the installation is finished). \r\n4.) Wait until the install menu asks you to insert disc 2, then:\r\n4a.) If you're using mounted ISO files, make sure the 2nd disc is mounted, click \"browse\", and figure out which drive is disc 2\r\n4b.) (*UNTESTED*) If you're using physical discs, eject disc 1 and insert disc 2\r\n5.) Wait for the install to finish, then select \"Exit\" on the menu\r\n6.) Wait for Lutris to finish installing the Mod Loader, then launch the game\r\n7.) Click on \"Install Loader\"\r\nThe installation is complete, and you may close out of the menu, find mods, or enjoy the game!\r\n\r\nKNOWN ISSUES:\r\n* Game seems to crash without the Input Mod enabled (automatically installs with mod loader, would not recommend disabling)\r\n* The Mod Loader seems to not be able to update automatically(maybe? needs more testing). For now, disabling automatic updating\r\n\r\nRECOMMENDED GRAPHIC SETTINGS:\r\nIn the \"Graphics\" tab along the top of the mod menu, there are some graphic settings that can be tweaked. I recommend setting the resolution to native, other settings can be left alone or changed to your liking\r\n\r\nMODS:\r\nSonic Adventure DX, in it's vanilla state, is considered by many to be a poor port of a game. Luckily, dedicated individuals have worked to improve the game in several ways. You can find mods at these sites:\r\n*\r\n*\r\n*\r\nAs well as simply searching for them in your preferred search engine.\r\nMods can be installed by putting them in your mods folder (Default: \"C:\\Program Files\\Sega\\SONICADVENTUREDX\\mods\\\") and checking the box next to their name in the mod loader.\r\nThe input mod is automatically installed as it seems to crash if a controller is plugged in without it(?).\r\n\r\nLANTERN ENGINE:\r\nThe Lantern engine was the lighting system used in the Dreamcast version of the game, but was removed in all other versions of the game. Luckily, there is a mod to restore this engine for those who want it. The required \"d3d8to9\" is automatically installed along-side the mod loader. It's highly recommended to install this if you intend on installing the Dreamcast restoration mod.",
"name": "Sonic Adventure DX",
"year": 2003,
"steamid": 71250,
"gogslug": "",
"humblestoreid": "",
"runner": "wine",
"slug": "sonic-adventure-dx-cd-rom",
"installer_slug": "sonic-adventure-dx-cd-rom",
"script": {
"files": [
"sadxml": ""
"usexe": ""
"d3d8to9": ""
"inputmod": ""
"game": {
"arch": "win32",
"exe": "drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/SADXModManager.exe",
"prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
"installer": [
"insert-disc": {
"message": "Mount and select disc 1 of Sonic Adventure DX. When it asks for disc 2,mount disc 2 (*UNTESTED* it should be safe to remove disc 1)",
"requires": "sonic.exe"
"task": {
"arch": "win32",
"name": "create_prefix",
"prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
"task": {
"app": "d3dx9",
"name": "winetricks",
"prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
"task": {
"app": "quartz",
"name": "winetricks",
"prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
"task": {
"executable": "$DISC/autorun.exe",
"name": "wineexec",
"prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
"extract": {
"dst": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/",
"file": "usexe"
"execute": {
"command": "rm \"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/sonic.exe\" && mv \"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/sonic-U-crack.exe\" \"$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/sonic.exe\""
"extract": {
"dst": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/",
"file": "sadxml"
"move": {
"dst": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/",
"src": "d3d8to9"
"task": {
"arch": "win32",
"key": "d3d8",
"name": "set_regedit",
"path": "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Wine\\DllOverrides",
"prefix": "$GAMEDIR",
"type": "REG_SZ",
"value": "native"
"extract": {
"dst": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/mods/sadx-input-mod",
"src": "inputmod"
"write_file": {
"content": "DisableCDCheck=True\nWindowedFullscreen=True\nScaleHud=True\nUpdateCheck=False\nModUpdateCheck=False\nMod1=sadx-input-mod\n",
"file": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/Program Files/Sega/SONICADVENTUREDX/mods/SADXModLoader.ini",
"mode": "w"