Installer magicka-proton

  appid: 42910
- execute:
    command: ln -s ~/.steam/bin/steam-runtime/ ~/.local/share/lutris/runtime/steam/
- execute:
    command: protontricks 42910 dotnet35sp1
    description: Installing Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1...
- execute:
    command: protontricks 42910 xna31
    description: Installing Microsoft XNA Framework...
description: Before running this installer you must manually download Magicka through
  steam play and run the first time setup. After the first time setup completes it
  will likely immediately crash, then you can run the installer. Follow the installation
  prompts on any windows that pop up and launch when complete.
game_slug: magicka
gogslug: ''
humblestoreid: ''
installer_slug: magicka-proton
name: Magicka
notes: 'If the XNA installer says its already installed just click repair instead.
  May take a few seconds to launch on the first run, be patient and restart Steam
  and Lutris if necessary. If you run into any other issues check out the ProtonDB
  page for more info:'
runner: steam
    appid: 42910
  - execute:
      command: ln -s ~/.steam/bin/steam-runtime/ ~/.local/share/lutris/runtime/steam/
  - execute:
      command: protontricks 42910 dotnet35sp1
      description: Installing Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1...
  - execute:
      command: protontricks 42910 xna31
      description: Installing Microsoft XNA Framework...
slug: magicka-proton
steamid: 42910
version: Proton
year: 2011
  "game_slug": "magicka",
  "version": "Proton",
  "description": "Before running this installer you must manually download Magicka through steam play and run the first time setup. After the first time setup completes it will likely immediately crash, then you can run the installer. Follow the installation prompts on any windows that pop up and launch when complete.",
  "notes": "If the XNA installer says its already installed just click repair instead. May take a few seconds to launch on the first run, be patient and restart Steam and Lutris if necessary. If you run into any other issues check out the ProtonDB page for more info:",
  "name": "Magicka",
  "year": 2011,
  "steamid": 42910,
  "gogslug": "",
  "humblestoreid": "",
  "runner": "steam",
  "slug": "magicka-proton",
  "installer_slug": "magicka-proton",
  "script": {
    "game": {
      "appid": 42910
    "installer": [
        "execute": {
          "command": "ln -s ~/.steam/bin/steam-runtime/ ~/.local/share/lutris/runtime/steam/"
        "execute": {
          "command": "protontricks 42910 dotnet35sp1",
          "description": "Installing Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1..."
        "execute": {
          "command": "protontricks 42910 xna31",
          "description": "Installing Microsoft XNA Framework..."
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