Installer igi-2-covert-strike-gog

- installer: N/A:Select the game's setup file
  arch: win32
  exe: drive_c/GOG Games/IGI 2 - Covert Strike/igi2.exe
  gogid: 1207658666
  prefix: $GAMEDIR
- task:
    arch: win32
    description: Installing I.G.I. 2 - Covert Strike
    executable: installer
    name: wineexec
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
- execute:
    command: curl
      | grep browser_download_url | grep -vE '(dbg|API)' | cut -d '"' -f 4 | wget
      -i- -P $CACHE
    description: Download latest dgVoodoo2 release
- execute:
    command: find $CACHE -name 'dgVoodoo*' -exec unzip {} -d $CACHE ';'
    description: Extract latest dgVoodoo2 release to $CACHE
- merge:
    description: Copy dgVoodoo2 components to $GAMEDIR
    dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/IGI 2 - Covert Strike
    src: $CACHE/MS/x86/D3D8.dll
- merge:
    dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/IGI 2 - Covert Strike
    src: $CACHE/MS/x86/D3DImm.dll
- merge:
    dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/IGI 2 - Covert Strike
    src: $CACHE/dgVoodooCpl.exe
- merge:
    dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/IGI 2 - Covert Strike
    src: $CACHE/dgVoodoo.conf
- write_config:
        Antialiasing: appdriven
        AppControlledScreenMode: true
        DisableAltEnterToToggleScreenMode: false
        Filtering: appdriven
        Resolution: max_isf
        VRAM: 256
        VideoCard: internal3D
        dgVoodooWatermark: false
        CaptureMouse: true
        CenterAppWindow: true
        FullScreenOutput: default
        KeepWindowAspectRatio: true
        ScalingMode: stretched_ar
    description: Write dgVoodoo.conf file
    file: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/IGI 2 - Covert Strike/dgVoodoo.conf
    merge: false
- task:
    arch: win32
    description: Set d3d8 to native,builtin
    key: d3d8
    name: set_regedit
    path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\DllOverrides
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
    type: REG_SZ
    value: native,builtin
    d3d8: n,b
description: Comes with dgVoodoo2 to fix mouse aiming issues
game_slug: igi-2-covert-strike
gogslug: i_g_i_2_covert_strike
humblestoreid: ''
installer_slug: igi-2-covert-strike-gog
name: 'I.G.I. 2: Covert Strike'
notes: Cap the framerate to 60 to avoid issues
runner: wine
  - installer: N/A:Select the game's setup file
    arch: win32
    exe: drive_c/GOG Games/IGI 2 - Covert Strike/igi2.exe
    gogid: 1207658666
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - task:
      arch: win32
      description: Installing I.G.I. 2 - Covert Strike
      executable: installer
      name: wineexec
      prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - execute:
      command: curl
        | grep browser_download_url | grep -vE '(dbg|API)' | cut -d '"' -f 4 | wget
        -i- -P $CACHE
      description: Download latest dgVoodoo2 release
  - execute:
      command: find $CACHE -name 'dgVoodoo*' -exec unzip {} -d $CACHE ';'
      description: Extract latest dgVoodoo2 release to $CACHE
  - merge:
      description: Copy dgVoodoo2 components to $GAMEDIR
      dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/IGI 2 - Covert Strike
      src: $CACHE/MS/x86/D3D8.dll
  - merge:
      dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/IGI 2 - Covert Strike
      src: $CACHE/MS/x86/D3DImm.dll
  - merge:
      dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/IGI 2 - Covert Strike
      src: $CACHE/dgVoodooCpl.exe
  - merge:
      dst: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/IGI 2 - Covert Strike
      src: $CACHE/dgVoodoo.conf
  - write_config:
          Antialiasing: appdriven
          AppControlledScreenMode: true
          DisableAltEnterToToggleScreenMode: false
          Filtering: appdriven
          Resolution: max_isf
          VRAM: 256
          VideoCard: internal3D
          dgVoodooWatermark: false
          CaptureMouse: true
          CenterAppWindow: true
          FullScreenOutput: default
          KeepWindowAspectRatio: true
          ScalingMode: stretched_ar
      description: Write dgVoodoo.conf file
      file: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/IGI 2 - Covert Strike/dgVoodoo.conf
      merge: false
  - task:
      arch: win32
      description: Set d3d8 to native,builtin
      key: d3d8
      name: set_regedit
      path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\DllOverrides
      prefix: $GAMEDIR
      type: REG_SZ
      value: native,builtin
      d3d8: n,b
slug: igi-2-covert-strike-gog
steamid: null
version: GOG
year: 2003
  "game_slug": "igi-2-covert-strike",
  "version": "GOG",
  "description": "Comes with dgVoodoo2 to fix mouse aiming issues",
  "notes": "Cap the framerate to 60 to avoid issues",
  "name": "I.G.I. 2: Covert Strike",
  "year": 2003,
  "steamid": null,
  "gogslug": "i_g_i_2_covert_strike",
  "humblestoreid": "",
  "runner": "wine",
  "slug": "igi-2-covert-strike-gog",
  "installer_slug": "igi-2-covert-strike-gog",
  "script": {
    "files": [
        "installer": "N/A:Select the game's setup file"
    "game": {
      "arch": "win32",
      "exe": "drive_c/GOG Games/IGI 2 - Covert Strike/igi2.exe",
      "gogid": 1207658666,
      "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
    "installer": [
        "task": {
          "arch": "win32",
          "description": "Installing I.G.I. 2 - Covert Strike",
          "executable": "installer",
          "name": "wineexec",
          "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
        "execute": {
          "command": "curl | grep browser_download_url | grep -vE '(dbg|API)' | cut -d '\"' -f 4 | wget -i- -P $CACHE",
          "description": "Download latest dgVoodoo2 release"
        "execute": {
          "command": "find $CACHE -name 'dgVoodoo*' -exec unzip {} -d $CACHE ';'",
          "description": "Extract latest dgVoodoo2 release to $CACHE"
        "merge": {
          "description": "Copy dgVoodoo2 components to $GAMEDIR",
          "dst": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/IGI 2 - Covert Strike",
          "src": "$CACHE/MS/x86/D3D8.dll"
        "merge": {
          "dst": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/IGI 2 - Covert Strike",
          "src": "$CACHE/MS/x86/D3DImm.dll"
        "merge": {
          "dst": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/IGI 2 - Covert Strike",
          "src": "$CACHE/dgVoodooCpl.exe"
        "merge": {
          "dst": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/IGI 2 - Covert Strike",
          "src": "$CACHE/dgVoodoo.conf"
        "write_config": {
          "data": {
            "DirectX": {
              "Antialiasing": "appdriven",
              "AppControlledScreenMode": true,
              "DisableAltEnterToToggleScreenMode": false,
              "Filtering": "appdriven",
              "Resolution": "max_isf",
              "VRAM": 256,
              "VideoCard": "internal3D",
              "dgVoodooWatermark": false
            "General": {
              "CaptureMouse": true,
              "CenterAppWindow": true,
              "FullScreenOutput": "default",
              "KeepWindowAspectRatio": true,
              "ScalingMode": "stretched_ar"
          "description": "Write dgVoodoo.conf file",
          "file": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/GOG Games/IGI 2 - Covert Strike/dgVoodoo.conf",
          "merge": false
        "task": {
          "arch": "win32",
          "description": "Set d3d8 to native,builtin",
          "key": "d3d8",
          "name": "set_regedit",
          "path": "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Wine\\DllOverrides",
          "prefix": "$GAMEDIR",
          "type": "REG_SZ",
          "value": "native,builtin"
    "wine": {
      "overrides": {
        "d3d8": "n,b"
Back to game