Installer the-journeyman-project-3-lega-gog

- goginstaller: N/A:Select the installer from GOG
- germanpatch:
    filename: The_Journeyman_Project3_GerPatch_V2.exe
    url: N/A:Select German Language Patch
  exe: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/LegacyOfTime/Legacy.exe
  prefix: $GAMEDIR
  working_dir: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/LegacyOfTime
- task:
    arch: win32
    install_gecko: false
    install_mono: false
    name: create_prefix
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
- execute:
    description: Extracting game data
    file: goginstaller
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
- execute:
    description: Extracting German Language patch
    file: germanpatch
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
- execute:
    args: -f $GAMEDIR/dosdevices/d:*
    description: 'Removing existing D: drive (if it exists)'
    file: rm
- execute:
    args: '-s $GAMEDIR/drive_c/LegacyOfTime/data $GAMEDIR/dosdevices/d:'
    description: Inserting disk
    file: ln
description: Full installation with German Language patch
game_slug: the-journeyman-project-3-legacy-of-time
gogslug: journeyman_project_3
humblestoreid: ''
installer_slug: the-journeyman-project-3-lega-gog
name: 'The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time'
notes: ''
runner: wine
  - goginstaller: N/A:Select the installer from GOG
  - germanpatch:
      filename: The_Journeyman_Project3_GerPatch_V2.exe
      url: N/A:Select German Language Patch
    exe: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/LegacyOfTime/Legacy.exe
    prefix: $GAMEDIR
    working_dir: $GAMEDIR/drive_c/LegacyOfTime
  - task:
      arch: win32
      install_gecko: false
      install_mono: false
      name: create_prefix
      prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - execute:
      args: /SP- /NOCANCEL /SILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /DIR="${GAMEDIR}/drive_c/LegacyOfTime"
      description: Extracting game data
      file: goginstaller
      prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - execute:
      args: /SP- /NOCANCEL /SILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /DIR="${GAMEDIR}/drive_c/LegacyOfTime"
      description: Extracting German Language patch
      file: germanpatch
      prefix: $GAMEDIR
  - execute:
      args: -f $GAMEDIR/dosdevices/d:*
      description: 'Removing existing D: drive (if it exists)'
      file: rm
  - execute:
      args: '-s $GAMEDIR/drive_c/LegacyOfTime/data $GAMEDIR/dosdevices/d:'
      description: Inserting disk
      file: ln
slug: the-journeyman-project-3-lega-gog
steamid: null
version: GOG
year: 1998
  "game_slug": "the-journeyman-project-3-legacy-of-time",
  "version": "GOG",
  "description": "Full installation with German Language patch",
  "notes": "",
  "name": "The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time",
  "year": 1998,
  "steamid": null,
  "gogslug": "journeyman_project_3",
  "humblestoreid": "",
  "runner": "wine",
  "slug": "the-journeyman-project-3-lega-gog",
  "installer_slug": "the-journeyman-project-3-lega-gog",
  "script": {
    "files": [
        "goginstaller": "N/A:Select the installer from GOG"
        "germanpatch": {
          "filename": "The_Journeyman_Project3_GerPatch_V2.exe",
          "url": "N/A:Select German Language Patch"
    "game": {
      "exe": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/LegacyOfTime/Legacy.exe",
      "prefix": "$GAMEDIR",
      "working_dir": "$GAMEDIR/drive_c/LegacyOfTime"
    "installer": [
        "task": {
          "arch": "win32",
          "install_gecko": false,
          "install_mono": false,
          "name": "create_prefix",
          "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
        "execute": {
          "args": "/SP- /NOCANCEL /SILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /DIR=\"${GAMEDIR}/drive_c/LegacyOfTime\"",
          "description": "Extracting game data",
          "file": "goginstaller",
          "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
        "execute": {
          "args": "/SP- /NOCANCEL /SILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /DIR=\"${GAMEDIR}/drive_c/LegacyOfTime\"",
          "description": "Extracting German Language patch",
          "file": "germanpatch",
          "prefix": "$GAMEDIR"
        "execute": {
          "args": "-f $GAMEDIR/dosdevices/d:*",
          "description": "Removing existing D: drive (if it exists)",
          "file": "rm"
        "execute": {
          "args": "-s $GAMEDIR/drive_c/LegacyOfTime/data $GAMEDIR/dosdevices/d:",
          "description": "Inserting disk",
          "file": "ln"
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