O.R.B: Off-World Resource Base

released in 2002 by Strategy First published by Strategy First
  • auto GOG(Auto) version
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  • auto Steam(Auto) version
    Make sure you have connected your Steam account in Lutris and that you own this game.

O.R.B., the acronym for Off-World Resource Base, is a real-time strategy game that involves the desperate struggle between the forces of two planets for control of the Aldus solar system. You command the military forces of both the Malus and the Alyssians - two radically different races with fundamentally different cultures and motives. Extract resources from asteroid belts throughout several systems to expand and build upon your fleet. Research new technologies to upgrade the capabilities of your existing ships and test your enemies by building new prototypes. Capture enemy ships and steal their technology to open up new research branches.

  • Genre: Real-time strategy
  • Platform: Windows

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