Ori and the Blind Forest

released in 2015 by Moon Studios published by Moon Studios
  • Steam Steam (Proton) version last published 6 years, 1 month ago
    Installs and runs through the native Steam Client
    Enable Steam Play (if not already done):
    Steam > Steam > Settings > Account > Beta Participation > Change > Steam Beta Update > Restart
    Steam > Steam > Settings > Steam Play > Check all boxes > Restart
    Then run this installer
  • auto Steam(Auto) version
    Make sure you have connected your Steam account in Lutris and that you own this game.

“Ori and the Blind Forest” tells the tale of a young orphan destined for heroics, through a visually stunning action-platformer crafted by Moon Studios for PC.

The forest of Nibel is dying. After a powerful storm sets a series of devastating events in motion, an unlikely hero must journey to find his courage and confront a dark nemesis to save his home. “Ori and the Blind Forest” tells the tale of a young orphan destined for heroics, through a visually stunning action-platformer crafted by Moon Studios for PC. Featuring hand-painted artwork, meticulously animated character performance, and a fully orchestrated score, “Ori and the Blind Forest” explores a deeply emotional story about love and sacrifice, and the hope that exists in us all.

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