
released in 2015 by Payload Studios published by Payload Studios
  • auto Steam(Auto) version
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  • auto GOG(Auto) version
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TerraTech is the multi-award winning sandbox construction and combat game where you design, build and command your very own fleet of unique land and airborne vehicles, as you explore alien worlds and gather precious resources on a quest for glory and profit.

In the distant future, Earth's natural resources have been depleted, and as a resource-gathering prospector it's your job to travel to alien planets and scour them for valuable materials. But you are not alone! Rival prospectors litter the landscapes of these new worlds, and will fight to protect what’s theirs, and invade to take what’s yours.

To make your mark, you will need to be cunning and creative.

  • Genre: Action, Construction, Sandbox
  • Platform: Linux, Mac, Nintendo Switch, Sony Playstation 4, Windows, Xbox One
  • Website: www.terratechgame.com

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