The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

released in 2016 by Bethesda Game Studios published by Bethesda Softworks
  • Steam Proton version last published 3 years, 4 months ago
    Enable Steam Play (if not already done) and disable Steam Overlay:

    1. Steam Client > Steam > Settings > Steam Play > Check all boxes > Restart
    2. Steam Client > Steam > Settings > In-Game > Uncheck "Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game"
    3. Then run this installer
  • auto Steam(Auto) version
    Make sure you have connected your Steam account in Lutris and that you own this game.
  • auto GOG(Auto) version
    Make sure you have connected your GOG account in Lutris and that you own this game.

Winner of more than 200 Game of the Year Awards, Skyrim Special Edition brings the epic fantasy to life in stunning detail. The Special Edition includes the critically acclaimed game and add-ons with all-new features like remastered art and effects, volumetric god rays, dynamic depth of field, screen-space reflections, and more. Skyrim Special Edition also brings the full power of mods to the PC and consoles. New quests, environments, characters, dialogue, armor, weapons and more – with Mods, there are no limits to what you can experience.

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