Trajes Fatais: Suits of Fate

released in 2020 by Discord Games published by Discord Games
  • Steam Steam Proton version last published 4 years, 6 months ago
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    Steam > Steam > Settings > Account > Beta Participation > Change > Steam Beta Update > Restart
    Steam > Steam > Settings > Steam Play > Check all boxes > Restart
    Then run this installer
    You need Steam Proton installed, google it to know what to do.

Trajes Fatais: Suits of Fate is a game totally hand-drawn in the classic technique of pixel art. Its creators are passionate about classic arcades of the 1990s like The King of Fighters, Street Fighter and Guity Gear.

Suits of Fate is a dynamic fighting game made in 2D art in which you control the guests of a costume party.
A mysterious entity grants powers to some chosen ones, imprisoning them in a magic barrier. They will have to fight each other if they want to free themselves from this prison.

Nathália Clarimond is the birthday girl of the party, wearing her symbolic fairy costume. His faithful bodyguard, Lourenço, will have much work to protect her in the troubled events that will follow. Besides them we also have angel, succubus, scarecrow, platypus and many beings full of personality.


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