We Happy Few

released in 2018
  • auto GOG(Auto) version
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  • auto Steam(Auto) version
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Played from a first-person perspective, the game combines role-playing, survival, and light roguelike elements. Taking place within the mid-1960s, following an alternative version of World War II, players take control over one of three characters, each of whom seek to complete a personal task while escaping the fictional city of Wellington Wells - a crumbling dystopia on the verge of societal collapse, due to the overuse of a hallucinogenic drug that keeps its inhabitants blissfully unaware about the truth of their world, while leaving them easily manipulated and lacking morals.

  • Genre: Action, Adventure, Survival
  • Platform: Linux, Sony Playstation 4, Windows, Xbox One
  • Website: www.wehappyfewgame.com

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